How to Create Your Own Webcomic Collective Website
Are you considering starting a webcomic collective that curates comics from different comic creators? With the Toocheke theme, and using WordPress’ built-in features, you can accomplish this with just a few steps. This step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the process.
Configure the Homepage to Display Multiple Series
- Login to your WordPress Administrator Dashboard
- Go to the Toocheke > Options > Series menu
- Check the ‘Do you want to publish more than one comic series?’
- Click the Save Changes button.
Adding New Creators to Your Website
To give your creators the ability to manage their own comic titles (series) on your website, you will have to create accounts for them to login to. Here are the steps that you need to go through, to register the creator accounts.
- Login to your WordPress Administrator Dashboard
- Click on the Users > Add New menu
- Fill out the form and set the role to Author and check the ‘Send User Notification’ option to ensure that the creator will receive an email notification with their new account details.
- Click the Add New User button.
A note of caution. Make sure that once you create the account, you confirm with the creator that they have received the email notification. Sometimes the email may not get sent out depending on the email configuration of your WordPress website. As a workaround, you can always manually send them an email with their login details.
Instructions for Your Creators
Instruct your creators to do the following:
- Login to the WordPress Dashboard(https://www.yourwebsite/wp-admin)
- Go to the Toocheke > Add New Series menu
- Enter the title of your series
- Enter a short description of your series
- From the right hand side, under the Series Thumbnail section, upload a thumbnail image for your comic title.
- OPTIONAL – from the right hand side, upload an image that will be displayed in the hero section of your series landing page (both desktop and mobile
- OPTIONAL – from the right hand side, either upload an image for the page background of your series landing page or set a background color.
- Click the Publish button
- Go to the Toocheke > Add New Comic menu
- Enter the title of the comic
- Upload the image(s) for the comic in the editor field
- From the right hand side, in the Series section, select the series you created in STEPS 1-8.
- From the right hand side, upload a small thumbnail image in the Comic Thumbnail section
- Click the Publish button
You should now have a fully functioning platform for your webcomic collective! Checkout the See Saw Comics collective for a great example of how you can use Toocheke to build your webcomic collective.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me here .
Happy Tooning!