Series, Chapters & Collections
- comic, comic easel, comicpress, webcomic, webtoon, wordpress
So, what is the difference between series, chapters and collections in the Toocheke WordPress theme?
Collections and chapters are similar in that they are both ideal for categorizing comic posts for a single comic title. The differences between the two, comes down to the following:
- Comic navigation – once a reader clicks on a chapter, they can navigate back and forth across chapters with no restrictions, for collections, they are restricted to navigating within the collection.
- Home page layout options available – only one layout option works best with collections, whereas all layout options work with chapters. You can see a demo of the collection page layout here.
If you have multiple comic titles/books that you wish to publish on your WordPress website, and you don’t want the hastle/expense of setting them up on multiple websites, the series option is the perfect solution. When you group together your comics by series, you will get the following features:
- Comic navigation – when readers click the series, they are restricted to navigating within the series
- Unique landing page – you can customize a unique look for the landing page for each of your series. Customization options include: the series header image, series thumbnail/cover image, background image for the page and background color for the page. You can see a demo of the series feature in action here.
I hope this article helped you learn the differences between series, chapters and collections. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me here or reach out to me on Twitter.
Happy Tooning!