Ready to make Toocheke truly yours? This super simple guide walks you through all the options that you can tweak to control how things work and look on your website.
Ready to give your website a makeover? Discover how to use the WordPress Customizer with the Toocheke and transform your site into a stunning masterpiece – no coding skills required!
Learn how to categorize your comic posts with collections, chapters, and series to stay organized, improve storytelling, and create a more engaging experience.
In this tutorial, we walk you through simple steps to tag your comic posts, add locations, and highlight characters to make your work easier to find and navigate.
Learn how to easily install Toocheke on your WordPress site in this step-by-step tutorial! Whether you're a webcomic creator or a publisher, this is the first in a series of tutorials that will guide you through how to set up a WordPress website that you can use for sharing your webcomics with the world.
A brand new platform for helping creators earn money from their work through donations, paid memberships, crowdfunding, commissions and by offering exclusive content
I am thrilled to announce that the new monetization platform I have been working on is just about ready for launch! In the next few weeks, you will be able to build monetization pages on your own WordPress website. Think of it as Patreon, Ko-fi, Kickstarter all rolled up into one. And the best part […]
Hi folks, Some light at the end of the tunnel! I have managed to setup all the monetization components into the payment processor. As of now, a user can make donations, subscribe to a paid monthly membership, fund a crowdfunding campaign, and order a commission. The plan is to have the plugin work like combination […]
One of the great perks of building your website with WordPress is that you have access to thousands of free plugins. These free plugins allow you to add a wide range of functionality to your website at no cost. With such a great variety of plugins, you may be tempted to act like a kid […]
Hey folks! I am making some good headway with the front end of the new plugin I am working on. It took quite a bit of heavy lifting to get the design of the pages done, but I am happy with the way they turned out. Here are a few screenshots of some of the […]
Hey folks! Just wanted to give you a quick update on a project that I am working on that I believe will be invaluable for creators. It is a WordPress plugin that will help creators monetize with: I have completed the first phase of creating the dashboard for the plugin. Here are a few screenshots […]
I am currently in the process of building a WordPress solution that I think will be beneficial for creators. Think of it as an alternative to Patreon without the platform fees. The features I am hoping to have in the new application include the following: To get updates on this new application, feel free to […]
Are you considering starting a webcomic collective that curates comics from different comic creators? With the Toocheke theme, and using WordPress’ built-in features, you can accomplish this with just a few steps. This step-by-step tutorial will walk you through the process. Configure the Homepage to Display Multiple Series Adding New Creators to Your Website To […]
Adding a commenting system to your website is a great way to build a community that is centered around your webcomic. Thankfully, WordPress provides a built-in system that gives your readers the ability to comment on your posts. What if you could use the commenting system to incentivize your users to becoming paying patrons? This […]
I am excited to let you know about a new webcomic platform I am working on. It is called Tales in Panels. The aim of the platform is to publish short comics that are uplifting and that appeal to a diverse audience of all ages. I am currently in the process of building the initial […]
Comic creators are always looking for ways to earn an income from their webcomics. A couple of options that often get overlooked is selling the original art and print copies for all your published comics. In this tutorial, you will see how easy it is to offer both products for sale.
If you are a comic creator who publishes multiple comic series(books) you may be looking to host them all on one website. Not only does it save you the cost of having a separate website for each series, it also helps make it easier to manage all the comics in one centralized location. The following […]
The landscape of webcomics is rapidly changing. With each passing day, there are more and more webcomic creators competing for readers’ eyeballs, which makes is it even harder to standout. Which makes it harder to monetize an online comic. The few platforms (like Webtoon and Tapas) that do try to help creators earn a living, […]
So, you have been hosting your webcomic on a different platform and are now considering making the switch to using WordPress to publish on your own website. You have decided to use the Toocheke theme along with the Toocheke Companion plugin to manage and display your comics. That’s an excellent decision ????! There is a […]
Do you already have a WordPress theme in mind that you would love to use for your webcomic website? Is webcomic functionality(the ability to post and display comics, a comic archive, comic navigation buttons etc.) the only thing missing from the theme? Well, you will be happy to know that with the latest update to […]
If you are looking to keep your readers engaged with your comic archive, Toocheke’s infinite scroll feature may just be the ticket for you! This feature eliminates the need for paging through your comics by clicking navigation buttons(first, previous, next, latest). Instead, the comic posts load up on the homepage as the reader scrolls down […]
Toocheke makes it super easy to add some cool features for consuming your comic in a fun way! Some of the features include: Commenting which allows readers to engage with the creator or with each other. A ‘like’ feature which allows your visitors to show their love for their favorite comics. Bookmarking which comes in […]
So, what is the difference between series, chapters and collections in the Toocheke WordPress theme? Collections and chapters are similar in that they are both ideal for categorizing comic posts for a single comic title. The differences between the two, comes down to the following: Comic navigation – once a reader clicks on a chapter, […]
If you are a comic creator that publishes a bilingual comic, Toocheke offers the ability to post comics in two languages. With the help of this tutorial, I will show you how you can accomplish that in only a few simple steps. Login to your WordPress admin dashboard. Go to: Toocheke > Add New Comic […]
One great feature of the Toocheke theme, is that it gives you the ability to publish both a traditionally formatted and a webtoon formatted comic within the same post. So, why would you as a webcomic creator want to do that? It’s all about creating a ‘Responsive Webcomic’ which we covered here. If you are […]
Top Ten Ways To Earn a Living as an Online Cartoonist Those who enter into the realm of creating webcomics fall into one of two camps: passionate hobbyists or those who wish to make a career as cartoonists. If you fall into the later camp, the question you ask is how exactly does one go […]
Are you looking to sell print and digital collections of your comic? Maybe you wish to sell merchandise like t-shirts, posters, mugs, stickers etc. If you have a WordPress website, you can setup your very own shopping cart store, and in just a few steps! The following tutorial will give you a step-by-step breakdown of […]
There comes a point and time when you as a comic creator may want to monetize and make money from your webcomic. This is assuming you have a decent sized backlog of comics already published and you have generated a large rabid following. One of the ways you can do that is buy setting up […]
When figuring out the layout for a webcomic, creators are often faced with the question: ‘Should I design it with the old school horizontal layout or the modern vertical(webtoon) layout?’ Short answer is both. Both layouts have their pros and cons depending on which devices the comic is being viewed from. If you want to […]
2020 marked a decade of “Responsive web design”, a term coined by Ethan Marcotte. Responsive web design is an approach to designing websites, so that a web page “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through. That could be on a large desktop computer monitor, a laptop […]
So,you are a webcomic creator with a WordPress site already up using either a combination of both Comic Easel and ComicPress or just Comic Easel with your preferred theme. You have hundreds, maybe even thousands of comics in your archive and would like to make the switch to Toocheke. Is that possible? Will I be […]
LINE Webtoon? Tapas? Instagram? Facebook? Tumblr? Reddit? Hiveworks? Self-Hosted? WordPress? When considering where to publish a comic, creators are often faced with a daunting question; what is the best platform for hosting my webcomic? Where I can I get maximum exposure for new readers to my comic. This post will try and delve into the […]
Top 13 Ways You Can Gain and Sustain New Readers. You have launched your brand new webcomic, you either self-host it, or maybe you have it hosted on one of the popular webtoon publishing portals (LINE Webtoon or Tapas), now how do you get new readers to become adoring fans of your comic? This article […]
Do you want to create a website for your new webcomic with WordPress? Looking to make use of the popular webtoon/vertical scrolling format? Are you looking to replicate the same model popularized by websites such as LINE Webtoon and Tapas? In this tutorial, I will show you how to create you very own webtoon styled […]